Monday, April 28, 2008

9 Days to go and Video on the bike

Today tried using the camera to take video on the bike, like last year.  Complete failure really.  Vibrations and lack of suspension really mucked it up.  On the harley, the quality was worth watching, but the Vespa seems all wrong.  Shame cos I was looking forward to using it.  Tried two mounting positions but both as bad as each other.  Perhaps I'll try strapping it to the helmet !


Anonymous said...

John, I found the cam is best mounted solid to the car. Look at Marks he still gets a good image with his rock hard suspension.

See if you can get it to be as solid as possiable.


John Melsher said...

you may very well be right. But I think it may also down to vibration from the motor. Watching my first results the shake looked down to that rather than road vibes. I'll try again though and of course it may be better on billiard table smooth French roads.

John Melsher said...

I'm going to give up on this. I've tried everything but I can't get it watcheable. Must be the vibes cos it was fine on the HD