Monday, February 18, 2008

Getting the Vespa up to scratch

This week I'm going to take the scoot into a repair shop at Ellesmere Port to have the engine stripped down.  The only real problem I've had with the bike since I bought it is the fact that it jumps out of 4th gear on a fairly regular basis.  The knowledgeable guy at Turner Scooters reckons that the engine will have to come out, be split apart to be investigated.  It's either the gear selector or the 4th gear that will need replacing.  Can't tell till he gets in there.  Bit like bowel cancer really.  Whilst it's out of course, gives him the opportunity to hit me with a whole list of other repairs that could be done, whether they really need doing or not.   

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a real practical imbecile.  No idea how to do anything, and nowadays little money to spend on having someone do it for me.  Still 1200 miles on a journey, deserves a little bit of  TLC on the bike. 

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